Product description
Novelty shaped night lights powered by button batteries.
Designs include:
- LLLEYE57 - Leopard
- LLTEYE56 - Tiger
- LLFAMC64 - Fairy
- LLFOOR59 - Fox
- LLHOWH69 - Little Mushroom
Reasons the product is recalled
The product does not comply with the mandatory standards for products containing button/coin batteries. The button/coin batteries are not adequately secured and are accessible by young children. The product does not include the required warning information.
The hazards to consumers
There is a risk of choking, severe internal burn injuries or death to young children if they gain access to the button/coin batteries and swallow or place them inside their body. Severe or fatal injuries can happen in 2 button/coin batteries and swallow or place them inside their body.
Consumers may be unaware that the product contains button batteries.
What consumers should do
Consumers should stop using the product immediately and place out of reach of children.
Consumers should return the product to the place of purchase for a refund.
For more information, please contact Pilbeam Living on 03 9417 5755 or