Product description
Dumbbell toy sold with Fisher-Price® Baby Biceps gift set.
Set includes:
- Dumbbell toy with grey bar and orange and red plastic weights
- Kettlebell toy with model number GJD49 located on the back of the toy
- Toy protein shake
- Orange sweatband
Only the dumbbell toy is affected.
Reasons the product is recalled
This product may not comply with the mandatory standard for toys for children up to and including 36 months of age.
The grey caps on the ends of the dumbbell toy can come off.
The hazards to consumers
There is a risk of serious injury or death from choking on the grey caps if they detach from the dumbbell toy.
What consumers should do
Consumers should stop using the recalled dumbbell toy immediately and keep it out of reach of children.
Return the affected product to the place of purchase or contact Mattel Consumer Relations to receive a refund.
Consumers can contact Mattel Consumer Relations by email at or by phone on 1300 135 312.